Gabby in Canada



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Gabby at the Blue Water Bridge

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It was only a matter of time before Gabby invaded Canada.  In the top picture, Gabby surveyed his new territory after crossing the St. Clair River into Sarnia.  He's loves chasing domestic varmints and foreign varmints even better!

Gabby & Cathy at the Blue Water Bridge    Gabby on the dock    Gabby on the dock

Later, Gabby roamed along the waterfront along Bruce Trail.  On an earlier invasion Gabby visited Pelee Island.

Gabby & Cathy on Pelee Point    Gabby looking for critters

His trip came to an end and Gabby reflected on his trip abroad.

Wet from playing in sprinklers

Want to see more?

Gabby's Page Gabby's home page with his story.
Gabby's Photo Archive All of Gabby's past web pages and pictures are here to see including his puppy pictures.
Gabby's Movies Gabby makes his motion picture debut!  Finally, Gabby's sprinkler attack is captured on film!

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