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nicknames we earned while in the army

Posted: 27 Oct 2007 08:37
by chris griffin
heres a new but mostly generalised topic:
what nick names did you get as a lance missile crewmwmber?
myself, i got to nicknames. one was killercozmo and the other was poohbear. im not exactly sure but i think i got the killercozmo nickname because i had a trs 80 model IV computer in my room at the billets and i was doing a graphic of a lance missile and a mushroom cloud.

the poohbear nickname definetly came from a guy named thomas lyman mcvicker the third, he was my roommate at the billets at the time. his reasoning for the nickname was like poohbear id get my head stuck in a honey pot searching for honey.

chris griffin

Re: nicknames we earned while in the army

Posted: 27 Oct 2007 13:54
by manuel
chris griffin wrote:okay...
i think i got the killercozmo nickname because i had a trs 80 model IV computer in my room at the billets and i was doing a graphic of a lance missile and a mushroom cloud.
TRS 80? Good grief! Someone in C-Btry 1/32 bought an Apple in 1986. He was the only one I knew of in the Battalion with a computer. I think he played chess on it and drove all the way to Frankfurt for what little software they had at the time.

I was known throughout the Battalion as "killer." The name followed me to Ft Sill thanks to Steve Morris--just when I thought I could make a fresh start. Steve, I'd love to hear from you--let me know you're still kicking. I won't say much about it now other than it was alcohol related and involved stupidity.

im glad im not the only killer

Posted: 27 Oct 2007 21:45
by chris griffin
yep a trs model 4 monitor and keyboard all in one with a cassette drive and programming courtesy of BASIC. a great big 64K memory and there was a modem available rated at 1500 baud i thunk. i say thunk cause i never had the modem. then i had an atari 400 with centipede cartridge.
it was just as popular on cq as porno. up all night playing centipede and missile command.

in our billets we had a soda machine that served budwieser for 50 cents a can back then as well.

thanks manuel
chris griffin


Posted: 21 Dec 2007 22:31
by Rentiers
I wasn't a Lance guy, and I never got a nickname myself (not that I can remember). I was a 31C Ratt Rigg team cheif, and I used to give out several nicknames to others. I have given the nicknames Chip & Skip to (in this order) a Stinger guy named Shirrell and a Lt. Smith in commo. We called Sp4 Joel Bass "Slewfoot" or Sloof for short, because of his odd gait. There was a wire dog named Childress who used to be called Peanut Butter due to being such a light skinned black. He mouthed off alot and loved to call cadences. Ratt section had guys named Pvt Ruth, Pvt Russian, Sp4 John Siefken, Sgt Williams, Sgt Nolan, Pvt "Stony J" Scott, Pvt Kermit (was that his first name?), Pft "Rev" Stapleton, Pvt Dickenson, Pvt Hudson, Pvt Matthew "Wahene" Ventura, Pvt John "chuck hold the phones" Walstrum, Sgt Hamilton, a black kid from Las Vegas named Dexter. I've remembered a lot more names than I thought I would...

Posted: 05 Jan 2008 14:46
by R.Woodward [sgt.woody]
MG Crosby...Cmdr Ft.Sill,stuck me with woody when I CQ`d at The Comanche House on Ft.Sill...Special Duty for the last 6mths at Sill before basic they called me alabama,where I`m from.
At Herzo we had SFC Estevas..Pancho ?,SSG Harris..bugman,Me,SP4 Christie,SP4,PFC Cronin..billee,

Re: nicknames we earned while in the army

Posted: 16 Jul 2008 15:26
by rockstar59us
ok mcvicker was a trip remeber i had a few bad names, and then again didnt every one,first i was gator, then dick weed then college fu##..but hey lets see about a reunion..count me in
chris griffin wrote:okay...
heres a new but mostly generalised topic:
what nick names did you get as a lance missile crewmwmber?
myself, i got to nicknames. one was killercozmo and the other was poohbear. im not exactly sure but i think i got the killercozmo nickname because i had a trs 80 model IV computer in my room at the billets and i was doing a graphic of a lance missile and a mushroom cloud.

the poohbear nickname definetly came from a guy named thomas lyman mcvicker the third, he was my roommate at the billets at the time. his reasoning for the nickname was like poohbear id get my head stuck in a honey pot searching for honey.

chris griffin

Re: nicknames we earned while in the army

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 18:40
by pusherman
I was called "Pusherman." My first day with Bravo 1/32 was a Battery party in one of the gardenplatzes on post. There was a song by Steppenwolf somebody played and SFC Quiroga and SSG Martinez pointed at me and said, "That's the Pusherman!" After that, I was never called "Private/PFC/Specialist Stephens." It was always "Push," "Pusher," or "Pusherman." After we fired in Crete in 1990, the colonel meets me in one of the bars and asks my battery XO, "Is this the Pusherman I hear so much about? Let me buy you a drink!"

That stuck. Guess you had to be there, since I have never done drugs or even smoked a cigarrette, but I hung onto that name long after the Army.