Convert ft', in" & cm

Centimeters (cm) to Inches (in) Formula

cm × 0.39

Feet (ft) to Inches Formula

in ÷ 12

Inches to Centimeters Formula

in × 2.54


1. If a woman is 5 foot, 3 inches (5' 3"), what is her height in centimeters?

  • Feet = 5'
  • Inches = 3"
Example displaying woman's height in centimeters and feet.  Artwork by Kakomi Tsujimoto specifically for Manuels Web.

(5' × 12) + 3" = 63"

63" × 2.54 = 160 cm

2. If a woman is 5 foot, 8 inches (5' 8"), what is her height in centimeters?

  • Feet = 5'
  • Inches = 8"
  • (5' × 12) + 8" = 68"
  • 68" × 2.54 = 172.7 cm

3. If a man is 203.2 centimeters tall, what is his height in feet and inches?

  • Centimeters = 203.2
  • 203.2 cm x 0.39 = 80"
  • 80 ÷ 12 = 6.67'
  • 0.67' x 12 = 8.04"
  • 6' 8"
  • 6 feet, 8 inches

💡 Feet and inches are often written shorthand with apostrophes (') and double quotes ("). 1 foot would be written as 1' and 1 inch would be written 1".


Beyer, W. H. (2018). Handbook of mathematical science. CRC press.