Convert Time to IV Rate
To calculate milliliters/hour (mL/hr) using hours:
- V = Volume
- H = Hours
To calculate mL/hr using minutes:
- V = Volume
- M = Minutes
1. If an order was written to infuse a liter (1000 mL) of IV fluid every 8 hours, what rate would the IV pump be set for?
- Volume = 1,000 mL
- Hours = 8
The answer is 125 mL/hr.
2. You have recieved a new admission from the E.R. The patient has class IV CHF and the doctor has ordered a loading dose of Inocor® (amrinone lactate). The loading dose is to be administered over 3 minutes. Pharmacy has brought the loading dose as a 50 mL IVPB. At what rate should the IVPB be infused?
- Volume = 50 mL
- Minutes = 3 min
The answer is 1,000 mL/hour